install - concepts - PixMaster - switcher - CG - clips - controls - team - appendix
Broadcast Pix
Press the
[DVE Controls]
PixButton on the PixPad, which will bring up the
following PixPad of controls:
Select the desired DVE Box pattern preset by pressing one of the six
[DVE Box Pattern]
PixButtons. The selected DVE Box pattern will appear
on the preview monitor.
You can change which source you would like to feed into the DVE Box by
pressing another
button in the Sources Row. When pressed, the
content will appear in the DVE Box on the preview monitor.
Bring the previewed DVE Box to air by pressing either the
buttons, or using the
[Fader Arm],
or you can manually bring the DVE Box
to air by pressing its
[Direct Key Button].
To remove/reset the DVE box and return the Keyer to full screen mode,
press the
[DVE OnOff]
PixButton. To return to the main page of the
PixPad either select the
PixButton or select the [Key Select] button in
the Destinations Row.