EN50131 Requirement (and relevant section)
Relevant Vanderbilt documentation
Programmable functions provided
Engineer programming via the keypad
Engineer programming via the browser
How indications are made inaccessible to level 1 users when
level 2, 3 or 4 user is no longer accessing the information (see
Configuring an Indicator Expander
Masking/reduction of range signals/messages processed as
“fault” or “masking” events (see 8.4.1, 8.5.1 and Table 11)
PIR masking is always reported as a zone
masked event (SIA - ZM). Additionally, anti-
mask can cause an alarm, tamper, trouble or no
additional action depending on configuration
Current defaults of PIR addition effect:
Unset - None
Set - Alarm
UK, Europe, Sweden, Swiss, Belgium
Unset - Tamper
Set - Alarm
Prioritization of signal and message processing and indications
(see, 8.5.3)
Using the LCD keypad interface
Using the Comfort keypad interface - see
Minimum number of variations of PIN codes, logical keys,
biometric keys and/or mechanical keys for each user (see 8.3)
Method of time-limiting internal WD for level 3 access without
level 2 authorization (see 8.3.1)
Not supported - Engineer cannot access system
without permission.
Number and details of disallowed PIN codes (see
Details of any biometric authorization methods used (see
Not applicable
Method used to determine the number of combinations of PIN
codes, logical keys, biometric keys and/or mechanical keys
(see 11.6)
Number of invalid code entries before user interface is disabled
Details of means for temporary authorization for user access
(see 8.3.2)
User Menus – Grant Access
SPC4xxx/5xxx/6xxx – Installation & Configuration Manual
Directives and standards
© Vanderbilt 2018