5. Configure the fields as described in the table below.
Enter a description of the remote Alarm Receiving Centre.
Enter your account number. This information should be available from the
receiving station and is used to identify you each time you make a call to the
For a Contact ID account, a maximum of 6 characters is allowed.
Enter the communication protocol that you intend to use (SIA, SIA Extended,
Contact ID, Fast Format).
SPC supports the extended SIA protocol. Select this protocol to support
additional textual descriptions of the SIA events being sent to the Alarm
Receiving Station.
Select the priority for the ARC in terms of primary or back-up reporting.
Number 1
Enter the first number to be dialled to contact the ARC. This system will always
attempt to contact the ARC on this number before attempting another number.
Number 2
Enter the second number to be dialled to contact the ARC. The system will only
attempt to contact the ARC on this number if the first contact number did not
successfully establish a call.
Enter the number of times that the system will attempt to make a call to the
receiver. (Default is 8)
Dial Delay
Number of seconds to delay between failed dial attempts (0–999).
Enter the number of seconds to delay between failed dial attempts. (0–999)
Test Calls
Enable the test call by choosing a time interval. This will send out an automatic
test call from modem 1 to the primary ARC.
Test All
Check this box if you want to initiate also an automatic test call from modem 2 to
the backup ARC.
6. Click the
button to enter those details on the system.
A list of the configured ARC accounts will be displayed in the browser along with the account
information, description, protocol, dial-up status and time and date of the last call to the ARC.
SPC4xxx/5xxx/6xxx – Installation & Configuration Manual
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