Check all physical mountings are intact. Any broken mountings should be replaced with the
same parts.
23.16 Zone types
The zone types on the SPC system are programmable from both the browser and keypad. The table
below gives a brief description of each zone type available on the SPC system. Each zone type
activates its own unique output type (an internal flag or indicator) that can then be logged or assigned to
a physical output for activation of a specific device if required.
Zone Type
This zone type is the default zone type setting and is also the most
frequently used zone type for standard installations.
An Open, Disconnected, or Tamper activation in any mode (except unset)
causes an immediate full alarm.
In the Unset mode, Tamper conditions are logged, causing the alert
message ZONE TAMPER and triggering a local alarm. In Partset A, Partset
B and Full Set modes, all activity is logged.
This zone type should be assigned to all zones on an entry/exit route (for
example, a front door or other access area to the building or premises). This
zone type provides an entry and exit time delay.
The entry timer controls this delay. When the system is being full set, this
zone type provides an exit delay allowing time to vacate an area. The exit
timer controls this delay. In Partset A mode, this zone type is inactive.
This zone type is used in conjunction with a push button on an exit route and
acts as an exit terminator – that is, it provides an infinite exit delay period
and will not allow the system to set until the button is pressed.
Fire zones are 24-hour zones for fire monitoring and their response is
independent of panel operating mode. When any fire zone opens, a full alarm
is generated and the FIRE output type is activated. If the ‘Report only’
attribute is set then activation will only be reported to the central station and
a Full Alarm will not be generated.
This is a special type of 24-hour zone for use with fire exit doors that should
never be opened. In Unset mode, an activation of this zone will trip the Fire-
X output, causing alert messages.
Telemetry line monitoring input. This is usually used in conjunction with a
telephone line health output from an external digital dialer or direct line
communication system. When activated, it produces a local alarm in Unset
mode and a full alarm in all other modes.
This zone type is active on a 24-hour basis and activated via a panic button.
When a Panic zone is activated it will report a Panic event, independent of
panel arming mode. All activation’s are logged and reported if log attribute is
active. If the SILENT attribute is set then the alarm will be silent (Activation
is reported to ARC), otherwise it will generate a Full alarm.
SPC4xxx/5xxx/6xxx – Installation & Configuration Manual
© Vanderbilt 2018