16.5 Area Groups
1. Scroll to AREA GROUPS and press SELECT.
2. Scroll to the desired programming option:
Enter the name of the area group.
GROUP NAME - Rename the group as required.
AREAS - Scroll to an area and select it. Choose ENABLED or DISABLED as
required to add it or remove it from the group. An asterisk (*) indicates if an area is
part of the group.
Select the area to be deleted.
16.6 X-BUS
1. Scroll to XBUS and press SELECT.
2. Scroll to the desired programming options.
16.6.1 X-BUS Addressing
Expanders, keypads and subsequent zones may be configured, located and monitored, with the steps
provided in this section. X-BUS settings such as type, communication times and retries are also accessed
within this menu.
The figures below show the location of the rotary switches, and each rotary switch with an arrow symbol
pointing to a number for identification (that is, 3, 8). The right switch is the first unit digit and the left switch
is the 10s digit. The expander in the figure below is identified as 38.
Rotary switches
Rotary switches identifying expander as 38.
SPC4xxx/5xxx/6xxx – Installation & Configuration Manual
Engineer programming via the keypad
© Vanderbilt 2018