Polling Trigger
Enter the number of missing polls before a network connection fail is
registered. Only applicable to UDP connections.
Generate a Network
If polling fails, a network fault alert is generated.
(Applies to the GPRS modem connection only)
Dial-up Enable
Check this box to report events through a dial-up connection.
Call type
Select type of call to use when dial up is enabled. Select GPRS.
GPRS protocol
Select the transport layer protocol used over the GPRS connection.
Options are UDP or TCP. Only applicable if Call Type is GPRS.
GPRS address
Enter the IP address of EDP receiver for GPRS connections. Only
applicable if Call Type is GPRS.
GPRS port
Enter the port that the EDP receiver is listening on for GPRS
connections Options are UDP or TCP. Only applicable if Call Type is
GPRS. Default is 50000.
GPRS Hangup
Enter the time in seconds after which the GPRS call will hang up.
(0 = stay connected until IP connection is up)
GPRS Autoconnect
Check this box to automatically trigger a GPRS call to the server if an
IP network fault occurs.
Dial-up on Net Fault
Check this box to report network faults on a dial-up test call.
Dial-up Interval 1*
Enter the number of minutes between dial-up test calls when network
link is up.
Dial-up Interval 2*
Enter number of minutes between dial-up test calls when network link
is down.
Network Address*
Enter the IP address of the receiver. This is only required if the
connection to the EDP receiver is being made over the Ethernet
interface. If using one of the on-board modems then leave this field
Phone Number*
Enter the first phone number that the modem(s) will dial to contact the
Phone Number 2*
Enter a second phone number that the modem(s) will dial in the event
that the first number dialled did not result in a call being successfully
Primary Receiver
Check this box to indicate that this is the primary receiver. If
unchecked, this is a backup receiver.
Re-queue Events
Check this box if events that failed to report are to be re-queued for
Check this box if Audio/Video verification is to be sent to this receiver.
Event Filter
Click this button to edit the filter events that will trigger an EDP call.
SPC4xxx/5xxx/6xxx – Installation & Configuration Manual
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