Access a door without PIN on a door with PIN reader.
Priority cards are stored locally in the door controllers and will grant access in case of a technical fault
where the door controller cannot communicate with the control panel.
The maximum number of priority users is:
SPC4xxx – all users
SPC5xxx – 512
SPC6xxx – 512
The escort feature enforces privileged card holders to escort other card holders through specific doors.
If this feature is enabled on a door, a card with the “escort” right has to be presented first, to allow other
cardholders without this right to open the door. The time period in which cardholders are able to
present their cards after a card with escort right was presented, can be configured per door.
The custodian feature enforces a card holder with custodian privilege to always be inside a room (door
group) when other card holders are inside.
The custodian must be the first to enter the room. Only if a custodian is in the room other cardholders
are allowed to enter. The cardholder with the custodian right will not be allowed to exit until all non-
custodian cards left the room.
Identifies this card holder as a custodian. The user with the custodian attribute has to be the first who
enters a door group which requires a custodian card holder and has to be the last that is leaving this
door group. Changing Engineer PIN and web password
You can change the PIN for accessing the keypad and also the password for accessing the Web
browser for Engineer level only.
SPC4xxx/5xxx/6xxx – Installation & Configuration Manual
Engineer programming via the browser
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