For continuous output, when the trigger is a valid user code, both states must be the same, either
both negative or both positive.
1. Select
Configuration > Advanced > Cause & Effect > Mapping Gates
The following page displays.
2. Enter a
for the gate. This is important as no mapping gate number, only the
description, is displayed on the
user page for turning on and off gates.
3. Tick the
check box if you do not want to allow users to turn on and off this gate, even if
they have the right to do so. A local gate is not visible remotely.
4. Select desired
Quick Key
A quick key is a ‘#’ followed by a single digit pressed at the keypad. If a shortcut is configured
and is pressed at the keypad, the user is prompted to turn the output on or off.
There may be many outputs activated by one shortcut, both X-10 and Mapping
5. Add a
for the gate. Time quantity used is 1/10 of a second.
6. Click the
button to configure triggers for turning the output on and turning it off. In both
cases, a positive or negative edge of the trigger needs to be defined. See
below for
details of configuring triggers.
7. Select an output from the drop-down list.
8. Click
to add a new gate or
to save the new settings for an existing gate.
See also Triggers
A trigger is a system state (for example, zone closing/time/system event (alarm), etc.) that can be used
as inputs to the Cause & Effects. The triggers can be logically assigned together using the logical
operators AND/OR to create user outputs. The system supports up to a maximum of 1024 triggers
across all its Cause & Effects system.
SPC4xxx/5xxx/6xxx – Installation & Configuration Manual
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