Deploying a Smart Mesh Network
Overview of Smart Mesh Networking
A Smart Mesh network is a peer-to-peer, multi-hop wireless network wherein participant
nodes cooperate to route packets. In a Ruckus wireless mesh network, the routing
nodes (that is, the Ruckus Wireless APs forming the network), or “mesh nodes,” form
the network's backbone. Clients (for example, laptops and other mobile devices) connect
to the mesh nodes and use the backbone to communicate with one another, and, if
permitted, with nodes on the Internet. The mesh network enables clients to reach other
systems by creating a path that 'hops' between nodes.
Smart Mesh networking offers many advantages:
• Smart Mesh networks are self-healing: If any one of the nodes fails, the nodes note
the blockage and re-route data.
• Smart Mesh networks are self-organizing: When a new node appears, it becomes
assimilated into the mesh network.
In the Ruckus Wireless Smart Mesh network, all traffic going through the mesh links is
encrypted. A passphrase is shared between mesh nodes to securely pass traffic.
When deployed as a mesh network, Ruckus Wireless APs communicate with ZoneDirector
through a wired LAN connection or through wireless LAN connection with other Ruckus
Wireless access points.
For best practices and recommendations on planning and deploying a Ruckus
Wireless Smart Mesh network, refer to Choosing the Right AP Model for Your Mesh
Smart Mesh Networking Terms
Before you begin deploying your Smart Mesh network, Ruckus Wireless recommends
getting familiar with the following terms that are used in this document to describe
wireless mesh networks.
Table 35: Mesh networking terms
A Ruckus Wireless ZoneFlex AP with mesh
capability enabled.
Mesh Node
A mesh node that communicates with
ZoneDirector through its Ethernet (that is,
wired) interface.
Root AP (RAP)
Ruckus Wireless ZoneDirector™ Release 10.0 User Guide