Section 14 Direct Memory Access Controller (DMAC)
SH7751 Group, SH7751R Group
Page 514 of 1128
R01UH0457EJ0301 Rev. 3.01
Sep 24, 2013
Bit 1—Transfer End (TE):
This bit is set to 1 after the number of transfers specified in
DMATCR. If the IE bit is set to 1 at this time, an interrupt request (DMTE) is generated.
If data transfer ends before TE is set to 1 (for example, due to an NMI interrupt, address error, or
clearing of the DE bit or the DME bit in DMAOR), the TE bit is not set to 1. When this bit is 1,
the transfer enabled state is not entered even if the DE bit is set to 1.
Bit 1: TE
Number of transfers specified in DMATCR not completed
(Initial value)
[Clearing conditions]
When 0 is written to TE after reading TE = 1
In a power-on or manual reset, and in standby mode
Number of transfers specified in DMATCR completed
Bit 0—DMAC Enable (DE):
Enables operation of the corresponding channel.
Bit 0: DE
Operation of corresponding channel is disabled
(Initial value)
Operation of corresponding channel is enabled
When auto-request is specified (with RS3–RS0), transfer is begun when this bit is set to 1. In the
case of an external request or on-chip peripheral module request, transfer is begun when a transfer
request is issued after this bit is set to 1. Transfer can be suspended midway by clearing this bit to
Even if the DE bit has been set, transfer is not enabled when TE is 1, when DME in DMAOR is 0,
or when the NMIF or AE bit in DMAOR is 1.