MMUART Peripherals
UG0331 User Guide Revision 15.0
positive-edge or negative-edge; the first edge that detects a start bit aligns the state machine to sample
data on the next same edge, as shown in the following figure.
In the synchronous Slave mode, the Tx block does not output a clock or baud rate signal as it is assumed
that the master provides clocking for any other slave peripherals. Additionally, the APB clock
(APB_X_CLK) frequency must be at least 2x the input MMUART_X_SCK_IN (serial input synchronous
clock) since MMUART_X_SCK_IN gets resynchronized.
Figure 184 •
Synchronous Input and Adaptation to Internal Baud Clocking Clock Out-Synchronous-Master Mode
The synchronous Master mode is similar to the synchronous Slave mode except that an external clock
source (MMUART_X_SCK_IN), the receiver and transmitter blocks use an internally generated
synchronous clock which must be no greater than ½ APB clock frequency. The output clock,
MMUART_X_SCK_OUT, is provided to the slave devices. The internally generated synchronous clock is
set with the same baud rate divisor registers that are used in the Asynchronous mode. The Fractional
baud rate generation mode should not be used in the Synchronous mode as the output clock can
become unpredictable.
The MMUART_X_E_MST_SCK, master clock output enable (
page 471) is used for controlling
a bi-directional pad that is used for MMUART_X_SCK_IN and MMUART_X_SCK_OUT.
MMUART_X_E_MST_SCK=1 indicates Master mode, forcing a bi-directional pad to be an output,
otherwise the pad acts as input for MMUART_X_SCK_IN. MMUART_X_E_MST_SCK=1 indicates
Master mode, forcing a bi-directional pad to be an output, otherwise the pad acts as input for
Sample Time
Sample Time