Operating Modes
Version 6.03, May 2017
Page 69 of 192
Airspace Warnings
Airspace warnings are the most complex ones. An airspace warning is activated by two
triggers; First warning (orange) will be given when a projected position of flight for period,
which is defined in the
item, is computed to cross an airspace zone.
Second warning (red) will be raised when a projected position of flight is computed to cross
airspace zone and the glider is already in the buffer zone in the vertical or horizontal
directions. Buffer zones are defined in the
items. Default
values are 1 km for horizontal buffer and 100 m for vertical buffer.
The first warning (orange) will also be given when you enter an airspace zone buffer but the
projected flight is computed to cross it.
An Airspace warning will be raised in all modes and dialogues. A warning for an alarmed
zone can be dismissed for a whole day, some minutes or just quit.
means that the
message will disappear. Use
Dismiss for
spin to define dismiss time in minutes. This time
will be shown in the lower-middle button after which the warning will be raised again.
However an alarmed zone will still be filled with transparent red colour and outlined with a
thick line and also the distance to the nearest point of the airspace zone will be shown.
To prevent dismissing by mistake check the
Confirm dismiss
checkbox and you will be
always prompted to confirm dismiss for a particular airspace zone.
button will reset the status for all airspace zones.