• AC Trouble
• Device Fault
• Device Low Battery
• Device Tamper
• RF Delinquency
• Module Supervisory
• Module Tamper
• Communications
• Not Networked
This output deactivates when all of the selected trouble conditions are cleared.
156 - Latched System Event (Strobe)
This output can be used to notify the home owner, before they enter the premises, that an alarm
has occurred. This output can be programmed to activate when any of the following alarms occur
on the system:
• Burglary (Delay, Instant, Interior, Stay/Away and 24-Hour Burglary Zones)
• Fire (Fire Key, Fire Zones)
• Panic (Panic Key and Panic Zones)
• Medical (Medical Key, Medical and Emergency Zones)
• Supervisory (Supervisory, Freezer and Water Zones)
• Priority (Gas, Heat, Sprinkler and 24-Hour Latching Zones)
• Holdup (Holdup zones)
• Output follows pulse timer (
• Duress
• Emergency
• CO Alarm
• Fire Supervisory
• Fire trouble
This output does not activate during pre-alert or delays.
In the armed state, the output deactivates only once the system is disarmed.
If an alarm activates this output in the disarmed state, the output deactivates when a user enters a
valid access code during bell timeout. The output also deactivates if someone arms the system after
the bell timeout has expired.
If assigned to a single partition, the output activates when an enabled alarm event occurs on the
assigned partition. When assigned to multiple partitions, the output activates when an alarm occurs
on any partition and, if configured to latch, will deactivate when any partition is disarmed. (or a
valid disarming procedure is used).
157 - System Tamper
This output activates when any tamper condition is present and deactivates when all tamper
conditions are cleared (if set for steady operation). If set for a pulsed operation, the output
deactivates when the PGM Output timer expires. These tampers include zone tampers (DEOL), case
tampers, TLM trouble, RF jam, and all zone and device tampers.
PowerSeries Neo HS2016/HS2016-4/HS3032/HS2064/HS2064 E/HS2128/HS2129 E Alarm Controller Reference