Installer Programming remains accessible for 6 hours, during which time the installer can enter/
exit or connect with DLS an unlimited number of times.
OFF: The installer can access Installer Programming without the user entering [*][6].
8 - Troubles Inhibit Arming
ON: The following troubles prevent arming until restored:
• Tampers on the alarm system, modules and zones
• Corbus troubles
• AC troubles on the alarm system and modules
• Battery troubles on the alarm system, modules and zones
• Transmission troubles (FTC, TLM, GPRS, Ethernet)
• Bell troubles
The alarm system can still be armed if troubles are overridden. To perform a trouble override, while
in the Trouble Menu ([*][2]), scroll right or left and press [*] when Trouble Acknowledgment is
displayed on the keypad. Alternatively, press the [9] key to acknowledge and override the existing
To override open zones, faulted zones or tampered zones use the Zone Bypass feature.
OFF: The system can be armed even when troubles are present.
When Engineer’s Reset is on, trouble conditions cannot be overridden. Zone Expander
supervisory troubles cannot be acknowledged and overridden. These conditions must be
restored before the panel can be armed.
When [024][3] is enabled, AC/DC Inhibit Arming, the AC or DC trouble must be restored
before the system can be armed.
[021] System Option 9
1 - Trouble Display
ON: If the panel is both armed and keypad blanking is active, when a trouble is present the keypad
trouble LED will remain off . When the system is disarmed, or if blanking is removed, the trouble
LED will be active if a trouble is present.
OFF: The trouble LED will turn off when keypad blanking is active only while armed.
Keypad Blanking while Armed
ON: If [016][3] is disabled, 30 seconds after the exit delay terminates, the keypad blanks (no
indicator lights).
OFF:The keypad blanks when the system is armed or disarmed.
For systems compliant with EN50131-1 and EN50131-3, option [021] bit 2 “Keypad
blanking while armed” must be ON.
3 – Auto-Arming Bypass
ON: All zones open at the end of the auto-arming exit delay are automatically force armed.
OFF: Only zones with the Force Arm attribute enabled are automatically force armed.
Force arming not used for UL/ULC listed installations (requires manual bypass).
4 - Ready Display
ON: The keypad ready LED will continue to show system ready status while keypad blanking is
PowerSeries Neo HS2016/HS2016-4/HS3032/HS2064/HS2064 E/HS2128/HS2129 E Alarm Controller Reference