Communications Options
The following alarm panel options must be programmed when configuring the alternate
[300] option 02: communication path (
[300] Panel/Receiver Communication Paths
[380] option 01: communications enabled/disabled (
[382] option 05: enable communicator and all associated options: telephone number, reporting
[308][351]-[356] reporting codes (
[351] Alternate Communicator 1
Communication Attempt Limit
If a telephone line monitoring (TLM) trouble is present, the number of PSTN dialing attempts is
reduced from the programmed value to 0 attempts. See programming section
Supervision Restore
If the alarm system experiences a failure to communicate (FTC) with the central monitoring station,
it automatically attempts to transmit the event when communications are restored.
Remote Firmware Upgrade
Firmware upgrades can be automatically pushed to the alarm panel and modules from Connect 24
or DLS. A message is displayed on LCD keypads indicating a firmware upgrade is available. On all
keypads, the blue proximity tag bar flashes one second on - one second off.
Users authorize the firmware upgrade through [*][6][Master Code][17].
During the update, a message indicating that a firmware upgrade is in progress is displayed on the
LCD keypad. If the firmware update fails, an error message is displayed on LCD keypads.
Firmware updates are performed under the following conditions:
• The system is not armed
• No AC trouble is present
• No low battery trouble is present
• No FTC trouble is present
• Every alarm in memory has been viewed
• No events are being communicated
• An alternate communicator is present
Remote firmware upgrade is possible for the following modules:
• hardwired keypads, including HS2LCDRF
• wireless transceivers
• alternate communicators
For UL listed installations, do not use remote programming unless an installer is on the
PowerSeries Neo HS2016/HS2016-4/HS3032/HS2064/HS2064 E/HS2128/HS2129 E Alarm Controller Reference