edge switch 2/24 service manual
Cannot set fibre
channel parameters.
Fibre Channel
parameters for the
switch or director
cannot be set at the
Product Manager
application because
the Ethernet link is
down or busy.
Retry the operation later. If
the condition persists, contact
the next level of support.
Cannot set write
authorization without
defining a community
A community name
was not defined in the
Configure SNMP
dialog box for the
write authorization
Enter a community name in
the name field where write
authorization is checked.
Cannot start data
The data collection
procedure cannot be
started by the
Product Manager
application because
the Ethernet link is
down or busy.
Retry the operation later. If
the condition persists, contact
the next level of support.
Cannot start port
Port diagnostics
cannot be started at
the Product Manager
application because
the Ethernet link is
down or busy.
Retry the operation later. If
the condition persists, contact
the next level of support.
Click OK to remove
all contents from log.
This action deletes all
contents from the
selected log.
Click OK to delete the log
contents or Cancel to cancel
the operation.
Continuing may
overwrite host
Configurations sent
from the host may be
overwritten by the
HAFM application.
Continuing activates the
current configuration and
overwrites the host
Message Description