Sampler Operation
Sampler Performance Verification
Partisol 2000
and Partisol 2000
-D Instruction Manual
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Verify that the value for the temperature displayed as “Filter Temp” in
the Audit screen is within ±2 °C of the measured temperature. If this is
not the case, perform the filter temperature calibration procedure on
Verify the Sampler’s ambient pressure by measuring the current ambient
station pressure in mmHg (i.e., absolute pressure, not corrected to sea
level). Verify that the value for ambient pressure displayed in the Audit
screen is within ±10 mmHg of the measured ambient pressure. If the value
is not within the limits, perform a calibration when the Sampler is not in
Sample mode.
To convert from Atmospheres @ 0 °C to mmHg, multiply by 760.
To convert from millibars to mmHg, multiply by 0.75012.
To convert from inches Hg @ 32 °F to mmHg, multiply by 25.4.
Use the following procedure to verify the ambient relative humidity.
Determine the current ambient relative humidity (%).
Verify that the value for Ambient RH in the Audit screen is within
±1.5 percentage points of the measured ambient relative humidity. If
this is not the case, perform the ambient relative humidity calibration
To ensure leak tightness, ensure that clean, undamaged test cassettes
are used when performing the external leak check.
Install the leak test filter cassettes. The Partisol 2000
requires a single
filter cassette and the Partisol 2000
-D requires two filter cassettes.
Carefully insert the filter cassette carrier into the lower part of the filter
exchange mechanism. The carrier contains a slot and hole that fit into
the appropriate locations of the lower part of the filter exchange
mechanism. Push forward on the handle of the filter exchange
mechanism to raise the filter platform and enclose the filter cassette.
Verifying the
Ambient Pressure
Verifying the
Ambient Relative
External Leak Check