Communications Using iPort or RPComm
Using RPComm
Partisol 2000
and Partisol 2000
-D Instruction Manual
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Obtain a serial switching device from a commercial manufacturer. It
has been found that devices manufactured by Black Box Corp. work
properly with its instrumentation, although other devices should
function properly. The part number and cost of the device will vary
depending on how many serial devices the user wishes to connect to it.
From the serial switching device’s instruction manual, determine the
command codes required to trigger activation of each serial port being
Unplug the serial cable and its adapter(s) from the modem and then
plug the cable assembly into the serial switching device. Follow the
instructions provided with the serial switching device to connect it to
the modem.
Thermo Fisher Scientific recommends that the serial device’s
connections be tested before the unit is placed in the field. This test will
require the use of two phone lines.
With the RPComm Connect List screen displayed (
Figure D–20
select the name of the connection used to verify the modem connection
above and then choose the Edit Selected Connection icon. The
Connection Type screen will then be displayed (
Figure D–21
From the Connection Type screen, ensure that the correct instrument
type is selected and select “Settings” to display the AK Protocol Setup
screen (
Figure D–22
From the list of command codes on the right side of the AK Protocol
Setup screen, select the correct series of command codes needed to
trigger the desired instrument. As codes are chosen, they will appear on
the bottom of the screen in the Connection Command box. If a code is
entered incorrectly, it can be deleted by selecting the code in the
Connection Command box and pressing the Delete key on your
computer’s keyboard.
The remaining portions of the screen should have been set while
establishing the modem connection (step 1). Do not modify these
Select “OK” to exit the AK Protocol Setup screen. This will display the
Connection Type screen.