Communications Using iPort or RPComm
Using RPComm
Partisol 2000
and Partisol 2000
-D Instruction Manual
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Once data has been downloaded, it can be manipulated for different uses.
All data manipulation procedures listed in this section can be performed
within RPComm without being connected to the unit.
The Windows operating system screens shown in this section are
from the Windows 95 operating system. These screens may vary slightly
from your computer’s screens if you are operating RPComm under the
Windows 98 or Windows NT operating systems.
Once data have been downloaded and displayed in RPComm, a selection
of these data can be copied to the Windows clipboard for use in other
Use the following procedure to copy data to the Windows clipboard.
From the Partisol 2000
Main screen (
Figure D–9
), select the Filter
Data, Interval Data or Input Data tab to display the desired data screen
Figure D–14
Figure D–15
Figure D–16
To select data, point your mouse cursor at the data cell where you wish
to begin the selection. Press and hold down the left mouse button and
drag the cursor until all the desired data is selected.
An alternate way to select data is to point the mouse cursor at the
column heading where you wish to begin the selection. Press and hold
down the left mouse button and drag the cursor across the columns
until all the desired data is selected. This will choose all the data in the
selected columns.
When the proper selection has been made, press the Copy icon. This
will copy the selected data to the Windows clipboard. The data can
then be pasted into another application.
When data are copied to the clipboard, it includes the heading
information, even if the entire column was not selected.
Downloaded Data
Copying Data to the