Low-frequency internal oscillator (LFIOSC)
■ Count up or down
■ Twelve 16/32-bit Capture Compare PWM pins (CCP)
■ Daisy chaining of timer modules to allow a single timer to initiate multiple timing events
■ Timer synchronization allows selected timers to start counting on the same clock cycle
■ ADC event trigger
■ User-enabled stalling when the microcontroller asserts CPU Halt flag during debug (excluding
RTC mode)
■ Ability to determine the elapsed time between the assertion of the timer interrupt and entry into
the interrupt service routine
■ Efficient transfers using Micro Direct Memory Access Controller (µDMA)
– Dedicated channel for each timer
– Burst request generated on timer interrupt
CCP Pins (see page 962)
Capture Compare PWM pins (CCP) can be used by the General-Purpose Timer Module to time/count
external events using the CCP pin as an input. Alternatively, the GPTM can generate a simple PWM
output on the CCP pin.
The TM4C1294NCPDT microcontroller includes twelve 16/32-bit CCP pins that can be programmed
to operate in the following modes:
■ Capture: The GP Timer is incremented/decremented by programmed events on the CCP input.
The GP Timer captures and stores the current timer value when a programmed event occurs.
■ Compare: The GP Timer is incremented/decremented by programmed events on the CCP input.
The GP Timer compares the current value with a stored value and generates an interrupt when
a match occurs.
■ PWM: The GP Timer is incremented/decremented by the system clock. A PWM signal is generated
based on a match between the counter value and a value stored in a match register and is output
on the CCP pin.
Hibernation Module (HIB) (see page 531)
The Hibernation module provides logic to switch power off to the main processor and peripherals
and to wake on external or time-based events. The Hibernation module includes power-sequencing
logic and has the following features:
■ 32-bit real-time seconds counter (RTC) with 1/32,768 second resolution and a 15-bit sub-seconds
– 32-bit RTC seconds match register and a 15-bit sub seconds match for timed wake-up and
interrupt generation with 1/32,768 second resolution
– RTC predivider trim for making fine adjustments to the clock rate
June 18, 2014
Texas Instruments-Production Data
TM4C1294NCPDT Microcontroller