■ On-chip internal temperature sensor
■ Maximum sample rate of two million samples/second
■ Optional, programmable phase delay
■ Sample and hold window programmability
■ Four programmable sample conversion sequencers from one to eight entries long, with
corresponding conversion result FIFOs
■ Flexible trigger control
– Controller (software)
– Timers
– Analog Comparators
■ Hardware averaging of up to 64 samples
■ Eight digital comparators
■ Converter uses signals
as the voltage reference
■ Power and ground for the analog circuitry is separate from the digital power and ground
■ Efficient transfers using Micro Direct Memory Access Controller (µDMA)
– Dedicated channel for each sample sequencer
– ADC module uses burst requests for DMA
■ Global Alternate Clock (ALTCLK) resource or System Clock (SYSCLK) can be used to generate
ADC clock
Analog Comparators (see page 1653)
An analog comparator is a peripheral that compares two analog voltages and provides a logical
output that signals the comparison result. The TM4C1294NCPDT microcontroller provides three
independent integrated analog comparators that can be configured to drive an output or generate
an interrupt or ADC event.
The comparator can provide its output to a device pin, acting as a replacement for an analog
comparator on the board, or it can be used to signal the application via interrupts or triggers to the
ADC to cause it to start capturing a sample sequence. The interrupt generation and ADC triggering
logic is separate. This means, for example, that an interrupt can be generated on a rising edge and
the ADC triggered on a falling edge.
The TM4C1294NCPDT microcontroller provides three independent integrated analog comparators
with the following functions:
■ Compare external pin input to external pin input or to internal programmable voltage reference
June 18, 2014
Texas Instruments-Production Data
TM4C1294NCPDT Microcontroller