General-Purpose Input/Outputs (GPIOs)
The GPIO module is composed of 15 physical GPIO blocks, each corresponding to an individual
GPIO port (Port A, Port B, Port C, Port D, Port E, Port F, Port G, Port H, Port J, Port K, Port L, Port
M, Port N, Port P, Port Q). The GPIO module supports up to 90 programmable input/output pins,
depending on the peripherals being used.
The GPIO module has the following features:
■ Up to 90 GPIOs, depending on configuration
■ Highly flexible pin muxing allows use as GPIO or one of several peripheral functions
■ 3.3-V-tolerant in input configuration
■ Advanced High Performance Bus accesses all ports:
– Ports A-H and J; Ports K-N and P-Q
■ Fast toggle capable of a change every clock cycle for ports on AHB
■ Programmable control for GPIO interrupts
– Interrupt generation masking
– Edge-triggered on rising, falling, or both
– Level-sensitive on High or Low values
– Per-pin interrupts available on Port P and Port Q
■ Bit masking in both read and write operations through address lines
■ Can be used to initiate an ADC sample sequence or a μDMA transfer
■ Pin state can be retained during Hibernation mode; pins on port P can be programmed to wake
on level in Hibernation mode
■ Pins configured as digital inputs are Schmitt-triggered
■ Programmable control for GPIO pad configuration
– Weak pull-up or pull-down resistors
– 2-mA, 4-mA, 6-mA, 8-mA, 10-mA and 12-mA pad drive for digital communication; up to four
pads can sink 18-mA for high-current applications
– Slew rate control for 8-mA, 10-mA and 12-mA pad drive
– Open drain enables
– Digital input enables
June 18, 2014
Texas Instruments-Production Data
General-Purpose Input/Outputs (GPIOs)