ADC Sample Sequencer Priority (ADCSSPRI), offset 0x020 ........................................... 1099
ADC Sample Phase Control (ADCSPC), offset 0x024 .................................................... 1101
ADC Processor Sample Sequence Initiate (ADCPSSI), offset 0x028 ............................... 1103
ADC Sample Averaging Control (ADCSAC), offset 0x030 ............................................... 1105
ADC Digital Comparator Interrupt Status and Clear (ADCDCISC), offset 0x034 ............... 1106
ADC Control (ADCCTL), offset 0x038 ............................................................................ 1108
ADC Sample Sequence Input Multiplexer Select 0 (ADCSSMUX0), offset 0x040 ............. 1109
ADC Sample Sequence Control 0 (ADCSSCTL0), offset 0x044 ...................................... 1111
ADC Sample Sequence Result FIFO 0 (ADCSSFIFO0), offset 0x048 .............................. 1118
ADC Sample Sequence Result FIFO 1 (ADCSSFIFO1), offset 0x068 .............................. 1118
ADC Sample Sequence Result FIFO 2 (ADCSSFIFO2), offset 0x088 .............................. 1118
ADC Sample Sequence Result FIFO 3 (ADCSSFIFO3), offset 0x0A8 ............................. 1118
ADC Sample Sequence FIFO 0 Status (ADCSSFSTAT0), offset 0x04C ........................... 1119
ADC Sample Sequence FIFO 1 Status (ADCSSFSTAT1), offset 0x06C ........................... 1119
ADC Sample Sequence FIFO 2 Status (ADCSSFSTAT2), offset 0x08C .......................... 1119
ADC Sample Sequence FIFO 3 Status (ADCSSFSTAT3), offset 0x0AC .......................... 1119
ADC Sample Sequence 0 Operation (ADCSSOP0), offset 0x050 .................................... 1121
ADC Sample Sequence 0 Digital Comparator Select (ADCSSDC0), offset 0x054 ............. 1123
ADC Sample Sequence Extended Input Multiplexer Select 0 (ADCSSEMUX0), offset
0x058 .......................................................................................................................... 1125
ADC Sample Sequence 0 Sample and Hold Time (ADCSSTSH0), offset 0x05C .............. 1127
ADC Sample Sequence Input Multiplexer Select 1 (ADCSSMUX1), offset 0x060 ............. 1129
ADC Sample Sequence Input Multiplexer Select 2 (ADCSSMUX2), offset 0x080 ............. 1129
ADC Sample Sequence Control 1 (ADCSSCTL1), offset 0x064 ...................................... 1130
ADC Sample Sequence Control 2 (ADCSSCTL2), offset 0x084 ...................................... 1130
ADC Sample Sequence 1 Operation (ADCSSOP1), offset 0x070 .................................... 1134
ADC Sample Sequence 2 Operation (ADCSSOP2), offset 0x090 ................................... 1134
ADC Sample Sequence 1 Digital Comparator Select (ADCSSDC1), offset 0x074 ............. 1135
ADC Sample Sequence 2 Digital Comparator Select (ADCSSDC2), offset 0x094 ............ 1135
ADC Sample Sequence Extended Input Multiplexer Select 1 (ADCSSEMUX1), offset
0x078 .......................................................................................................................... 1137
ADC Sample Sequence Extended Input Multiplexer Select 2 (ADCSSEMUX2), offset 0x098
.................................................................................................................................... 1137
ADC Sample Sequence 1 Sample and Hold Time (ADCSSTSH1), offset 0x07C .............. 1139
ADC Sample Sequence 2 Sample and Hold Time (ADCSSTSH2), offset 0x09C .............. 1139
ADC Sample Sequence Input Multiplexer Select 3 (ADCSSMUX3), offset 0x0A0 ............. 1141
ADC Sample Sequence Control 3 (ADCSSCTL3), offset 0x0A4 ...................................... 1142
ADC Sample Sequence 3 Operation (ADCSSOP3), offset 0x0B0 .................................... 1144
ADC Sample Sequence 3 Digital Comparator Select (ADCSSDC3), offset 0x0B4 ............ 1145
ADC Sample Sequence Extended Input Multiplexer Select 3 (ADCSSEMUX3), offset
0x0B8 ......................................................................................................................... 1146
ADC Sample Sequence 3 Sample and Hold Time (ADCSSTSH3), offset 0x0BC .............. 1147
ADC Digital Comparator Reset Initial Conditions (ADCDCRIC), offset 0xD00 ................... 1148
ADC Digital Comparator Control 0 (ADCDCCTL0), offset 0xE00 ..................................... 1153
ADC Digital Comparator Control 1 (ADCDCCTL1), offset 0xE04 ..................................... 1153
ADC Digital Comparator Control 2 (ADCDCCTL2), offset 0xE08 ..................................... 1153
ADC Digital Comparator Control 3 (ADCDCCTL3), offset 0xE0C .................................... 1153
ADC Digital Comparator Control 4 (ADCDCCTL4), offset 0xE10 ..................................... 1153
ADC Digital Comparator Control 5 (ADCDCCTL5), offset 0xE14 ..................................... 1153
June 18, 2014
Texas Instruments-Production Data
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