Communications configuring
System- and communication configuring D7-SYS - SIMADYN D
Edition 12.2003
All CS22 modules, connected to a CS12/13/14 module, must have
different module names.
Module names must be 6 characters long, and the last character must
fulfill the syntax of the module names.
When configuring a function block @NMC, the channel names
"NETCONT" and "NETCHxx" (with x = digits from 0 - 9) are reserved,
and may not be used by the user.
This configuring syntax is not checked and is the sole responsibility of
the configuring engineer.
Perfect network operation cannot be guaranteed if this configuring syntax
and regulations are not followed.
3.23.3 Rigid
Address data in the rigid network
Channels, which are fed via several subracks, must fulfill specific
conventions (syntax), so that they can be handled from the rigid network.
An address, which is to be viewed from the network, must always
have the following syntax
"Channel name.@BGT name.module name"
or in the form
"Channel name.@BGT name.module name.SST name"
This form is also known as the network address.
In this case, the BGT name represents the subrack names, BG name,
the module names and the SST name, the interface name
(connector). The address can additionally include address stages.
The network no longer tracks channels, which only have the form
"channel name"
(and optional address stages).
If two channels exist with the same name, where only one consists of
the channel name, and the other contains a complete network
address, then it involves two different channels, which can lie adjacent
to one another on a data interface. The following diagram clearly
illustrates this.