Communications configuring
System- and communication configuring D7-SYS - SIMADYN D
Edition 12.2003
SSF=0 (hexadecimal format)
Measured value
dimension text
8 characters
Visible-String 8
Message instant
Time and Date
Time-Of-Day (6 bytes)
Only available,
if STM=1
Message text
60 characters
Visible-String 60
Table 3-21
Message structure for SSF=0
The variable structure, expected from the client must coincide with that
defined for the server.
3.4.5 System
The CSH11 can be used as source for the SIMADYN D system time. The
prerequisite is a SINEC time transmitter. The RTCM function block must
be configured to distribute the time.
Further information
on the function block RTCM, refer to the user documentation
"SIMADYN D, function block library".
Data quantities, sampling times
Max. number /
max. data quantity /
sampling time
Number of SIMADYN D channels (low amount of net data) with MM4
communications buffer module
Approx. 400
Number of SIMADYN D channels (2048 bytes net data) with MM4
communications buffer module
Channel length (net data)
2048 bytes
Number of data transfer connections
A maximum of 46 per transmitter and per receiver from SIMADYN D can use
layer 4 of the CSH11.
Fastest layer 4 sampling time (up to max. 512 bytes)
If, for example, 15 transmitters are configured, then the transmitters should
be configured in a sampling time greater than 15 x 10 ms = 150 ms. The
sampling time of the receiver should be shorter, as, when communicating via
layer 4, the initiative always comes from the transmitter.
Receivers should be configured in a shorter sampling time than the
associated transmitter (in the "Handshake" mode). If the transmitter and
receiver are configured in the same sampling time and with the "Handshake"
mode, then connections are automatically and continuously interrupted.
Explanation: As the transmitter and receiver are not synchronized via
SINEC H1, sometimes CP1470 can receive data at the receiver side but the
associated SIMADYN D receive channel was still not read-out. In such a
situation, CP1470 interrupts the connection (with the intention to flag the
transmitter that the data was not able to be sent to the receiver; layer 4 does
10 ms
SIMADYN D system