Closed-loop thyristor current control
System- and communication configuring D7-SYS - SIMADYN D
Edition 06.2002
5.3 Commissioning
Only start the commissioning phase if effective measures have been
made to ensure that the plant or drive is safely and reliably stopped,
both electrically and mechanically, and cannot be started.
Ensure that all of the safety and EMERGENCY OFF monitoring
functions are connected and are fully effective so that the drive can be
safely shut down at any time.
For commissioning, measuring equipment and a PC with system software
S7 + CFC + D7Sys and the configured software are required.
A two-channel storage oscilloscope with probes 1:10 or 1:100 are
used for the measurements.
A clip-on ammeter to check the field current and to plot the armature
current if the current actual value in the Sitor converter is not available
at the test socket.
An oscilloscope can be used instead of a rotating field detector.
5.3.1 Preparatory work
The pulses are only enabled with a voltage > 15 V at pin ITDC-
X5:10. The voltage at pin ITDC-X5: 7 can be used for this purpose.
An open-circuit input at pin 10 is interpreted as "External pulse
inhibit" and causes the pulses to be shutdown immediately on the
hardware side.
Before powering-up for the first time, the electronics and power
connections of the Sitor drive converter must be checked to ensure
that the rotating fields are all clockwise.
The electronics and power connections must have the same phase
relationships to one another.
During the current controller optimization phase, the excitation must be
switched-out and the rotor must be firmly locked so that it cannot rotate!
A circuit to enter step sequences has to be programmed for test purposes
during the commissioning phase. This reduces the stressing on the
stationary motor commutator during the current optimization routine.
The D/A converter on the ITDC should be configured to display internal
values on an oscilloscope.
equipment required