Communications configuring
System- and communication configuring D7-SYS - SIMADYN D
Edition 12.2003
(format selection)
To optically improve the text, it can either be output in a standard
format (FRM = 0) (lefthand and righthand margin, narrow fonts, page
break) or non-formatted (FRM = 1). The format instruction is only used
by DUST 2 in conjunction with the 20mA interface after the
interruption has been identified.
SIMADYN D is powered-up (20 mA current source from
SIMADYN D as transmitter is active).
The printer is powered-down (20mA current source from the printer
is inactive as transmitter).
The 20 mA connecting cable from SIMADYN D to the printer is not
The MSIPRI message output block should be used (refer to Chapter
Communications utility, message system).
Text output block