System- and communication configuring D7-SYS - SIMADYN D
Edition 12.2003
3.3.1 Hardware
Only subracks with C-bus connection can be coupled with one
another (e. g. SR24).
The master subrack, has, depending on the number of slaves to be
connected, a CS12-, CS13 or a CS14 module. The slave subracks
have a CS22 module.
A subrack can accommodate several CS12/CS13/CS14/CS22
modules. Thus, several different subrack couplings can be configured
in a subrack. The CS12/CS13/CS14/CS22 modules of a subrack
coupling must all be configured in different subracks.
Scope of supply
All of the slave subracks are permanently coupled to the master subrack,
as a slave subrack must continuously access the memory in the master
The master/slave subracks can be powered-up in any sequence.
All subracks can be powered-down and up again in continuous
If a slave subrack is powered-down and up again, then
communications between the other nodes (master and a maximum of
seven slaves) is not influenced.
Slave subracks which are powered-down can be re-configured and
powered-up again. The number of transmitters and receivers can also
be changed (e. g. if one transmitter too little was configured).
As soon as the slave partner, which was powered-down, is powered-
up again, a new connection is established between the new partner
which has been powered-up again and all other partners. This is also
valid for slave-slave communications, i. e. if the CS12-, CS13- or
CS14 module is only used as data transfer area and not as
communications partner. Slave-slave communications are interrupted
when the master subrack is powered-down.
It is not permissible to remove the fiber-optic cable during operation as
this can result in a CPU crash.
3.3.3 Response
"shutting down" a coupling partner
The master subrack is shutdown:
The @CS2 central block can no longer access the master subrack and
prepares a restart (in addition, the CDM block output is set to "faulted",
refer to @CS2 mask). The system then waits until the master subrack is
of the master