Communications configuring
System- and communication configuring D7-SYS - SIMADYN D
Edition 12.2003
All slave transmit/receive blocks can no longer access the master
subrack and start a new channel log-on.
The slave subrack is shutdown:
The @CS1 central block and the maximum seven additional @CS2
central blocks decrement their particular NCP connection (i. e. the
number of active slave subracks is reduced by one). Otherwise, there is
no response, and the NCP connections are incremented again after the
appropriate slave subrack runs-up again.
All of the configured transmit/receive blocks, whose coupling partner is
located on the subrack which is shutdown, wait until the subrack has run-
up again.
3.3.4 Response
"powering-up" the master subrack
If the master subrack is powered-up again while the slave subracks are
operational, it can be assumed, that for a short period of time, increased
computation time will be required to establish the connection for CPUs to
communicate via the subrack coupling. For already highly utilized CPUs,
this can result in an 'E' being displayed at the 7-segment display (error in
the task administrator). Acknowledging
The 'E' can be acknowledged in two ways:
When manually acknowledging, after the connection has been
established, the 'E' can be acknowledged by depressing the red
acknowledge button on the CPU.
For automatic acknowledgement, the following must be configured on all
CPUs in the slave subrack which communicate via the subrack coupling.
Automatic acknowledgement can be implemented in two different ways
using this particular configuration:
1. All YEV outputs, of the function blocks communicating via the subrack
coupling are monitored using a software which has to be configured. If
the value of all YEV outputs is less than 9 (i. e. initialization has been
completed), then the input NOT.I is set to '1'. Using the CDM output of
the @CS2 central block, it is ensured that the system is only
automatically acknowledged if the master subrack has actually been
powered-up. Using the time limit (input T at PCL), automatic
acknowledgement has to be realized within a certain time. The 'E' on
the 7-segment display is now automatically acknowledged using the
SYF4 function block.
2. If not all of the YEV outputs can be monitored or should be monitored,
input OR.I2 should be set to "1" and input NOT.I should not be
connected at all. In this case, the CPU is only acknowledged within
the time, set at connection T of the PCL after the master subrack has
been powered-up (output of @CS2.CDM).
of the slave