Communications configuring
System- and communication configuring D7-SYS - SIMADYN D
Edition 12.2003
Input sequence:
Channel name
max. 8 characters
ASCII characters with the exception of "Point" and @
the channel name at a data interface must be unique.
if address stage 1 and address stage 2 are not available in addition
to the channel names, then SIMADYN D is server as far as the
associated FMS utility is concerned and creates an object in the
object directory. The channel name is part of the associated
variable name.
If the channel name starts with a number, then it is interpreted as
index for the local object directory (permissible range:
6000...6199), otherwise as part of the variable name.
If address stage 1 is specified, then after the channel name enter ".".
Address stage 1:
can be present or not present.
if present, then it must always be precisely 4 characters long. "nn"
and "mm" must represent numbers, which are interpreted as
communication references (KR). A communications reference
refers to a communications association which must be configured
using COMSS5. If address stage 1 is present and address stage 2
not, then the configured SIMADYN D utility is realized on the FMS
utility "Information report". This is practical for process data
(broadcast functionality).
Communications association via which the FMS utility "Get OV" is
executed. If "00" is specified here, no "Get OV" is executed.
Communication association via which the productive utility "Read",
"Write" or "Information report" is executed.
If address stage 2 is specified, then after address stage 1, enter ".".
Address stage 2
can only be used together with address stage 1.
maximum of 20 characters long.