Communications configuring
System- and communication configuring D7-SYS - SIMADYN D
Edition 12.2003
Communications reference must correspond with that configured with
CFC (address stage 1 at the address connections).
"MMAZ" is recommended as association type (the subsequent
information/explanations assume this).
The local LSAP must correspond with the "remote LSAP" of the
remote communication partner.
The remote address addresses the remote communication partners
Remote LSAP must correspond with the "local LSAP" of the remote
communications partner.
The maximum PDU length should only be changed if a remote
communications partner cannot handle the length.
The monitoring interval must correspond with that of the partner.
The multiplier is only relevant for the association type "MSZY" (refer to
the communication associations).
The Read, Write, Get OV (detailed version), Information report utilities
and symbolic addressing should be selected as requester (".req")
and/or responder (".ind"), as they are required.
only select read.req if a receive block uses this association as
select read.ind if a transmit block is addressed as server via this
select write.req if a transmit block as client uses this association.
select write.ind if a receive block is addressed as server via this
information report.req is not used.
select get OV (detailed version) and symbolic addressing if the
partner supports this utility.
The maximum number of parallel "Transmit" tasks should correspond
to the number of transmit- and receive blocks configured using CFC
which also use this communications association (as client). It should
be observed that for the partner, the maximum number of parallel
"Receive" tasks should correspond to this minimum number.
The maximum number of parallel "Receive" tasks must be set as high
as the maximum number of "Transmit" tasks for the partner.
Loading the database
Paths are edited and tested using this menu item.
Tool - bus