System- and communication configuring D7-SYS - SIMADYN D
Edition 12.2003
Bit 2: If this bit is set, the messages are output in the standardized
format, otherwise in the hexadecimal format (copy of input SSF).
Bit 3: If this bit is set, a measured value is present.
Bit 4: If this bit is set, then a units text is present. The units text can
only be present if there is also a measured value. If there is no
measured value or units text, the appropriate message errors are of
no significance and are in an undefined condition.
Bit 5-7: Unassigned
The message type consists of a character, which specifies the message
event type, whereby the following is defined: "S" system error, "C"
communications error, "F" error messages and "W" warning messages.
The first two message types are only generated by the message system
central block.
Corresponds to the input value at RP of the entry block.
Corresponds to the input value at RS of the entry block.
In the hexadecimal format, the measured value description consist of:
a 32-bit scaling factor which is output in the floating format
the measured value acquired by the acquisition block
a measured value data type (SIMADYN D data type as ASCII
character sequence)
an 8-character measured value unit
As the precise data format must be specified in the hexadecimal format
when initializing data transfer, and on the other hand, the measured value
can vary in the size of the notation (0,2 or 4 bytes), for measured values,
4 bytes are always transferred. If the measured value occupies less than
4 bytes, which can be recognized at the measured value data type, then
the subsequent bytes cannot be assigned.
In the standardized format, only the scaled measured value and the 8-
character long measured value units are transferred.
The message instant is transferred in the hexadecimal format in the MMS
format, time and date (reference point 1.1.84).
In the standardized format, the message instant is transferred as ASCII
character sequence, which includes date (day, month, year) and time of
day (hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds). Date and time of day are
separated by a hyphen. The character sequence is 24 characters long
(example: ”01.05.1993 08:01:15:0045”).
The message text is always transferred as ASCII character sequence. In
this case, length information is not transferred. This is calculated from the
total number of data received. The message text can be a minimum of 60
characters long.
Message type
Message prefix
Message suffix
Measured value
units and scaling
HEX format and
Message instant
Message text