System- and communication configuring D7-SYS - SIMADYN D
Edition 12.2003
The SIMADYN D communication partners (station 4) are as follows:
SIMATIC S5-105U (station 1) as master to SIMADYN D:
The SS52 has a master (S5) which polls the SIMADYN D. Data
transfer (quantity and amount of process data) between the two
controls can be freely configured. The following was defined:
SIMADYN D: Three words (input/output), one word (input),
one byte (input), one byte (input)
S5: Three words (input/output), one word (output),
one byte (output)
SIMOVERT MASTER DRIVE with CB1 (station 71) as slave:
Five defined PPO types are available for data transfer with this node.
PPO: Parameter process data object structure of the net data for
variable-speed drives. There is net data, which either consists of
parameter ID values (PKW) and process data (PZD) (PPO types
1,2,5) or only process data (PPO types 3,4).
In this configuring example, PPO type 3 is configured. In this case,
two words (control word and main setpoint) are transmitted and two
words (status word and main actual value) received.
ET 200 B (station 51) as slave:
When using this slave type, a precise type must be selected which
then automatically defines data transfer. For 8DI/8DO types, one byte
is output and one byte is read-in.
ET 200 U (station 11) as slave:
For this ET 200 U configuration (three digital output modules and a
digital input module) three bytes are output and one byte is read-in.