Communications configuring
System- and communication configuring D7-SYS - SIMADYN D
Edition 12.2003
- :
Hyphen as separating character
Data word, value range 0..256
Or an output command with absolute SIMATIC address:
AS: "Output"
wwwww: Absolute address, value range 0..65535
In the transmit direction, the output command addresses the data blocks
and memory addresses in the SIMATIC. In the receive direction, the data
entry is used to emulate an appropriate data block or memory address,
so that an output command, received by a SIMATIC, is correctly
SIMADYN D does not support a "Fetch" telegram or input command ("E"
The optional address stage 2 consists of:
Coordination flag: This is only practical for transmitters:
Coordination flag byte, value range 1..255
- :
Hyphen as separator
Coordination flag bit, value range 0..7
AT- 'PZD1.3AD20-10.130-5"'
The data are sent to SIMATIC processor No. 3 and saved in data
block 20, from data word 10. A coordination flag must be specified
AT- 'PZD2.AD10-30'
The data are sent to the SIMATIC and are saved in data block 10
from data word 30.
AR- 'PZD3.AD50-50'
Data are received from a SIMATIC, which transmits output
command "AD50-50" to SIMADYN D.
Central coupling block
Central block @CSD03 is required to configure the DUST3 coupling via
an SS4 communications module in a communications module CS7. This
block has the task to initialize and parameterize the data interface on a
communications module SS4 in a communications module CS7. All
CPUs can access the CS7 communications module.
The central coupling block has the following I/O (connections) to
parameterize DUST3:
Example of data
entries at inputs
I/O (connections)