Communications configuring
System- and communication configuring D7-SYS - SIMADYN D
Edition 12.2003
if it had previously used this channel before.
whether this channel is presently being used by another
transmitter/receiver (or transmitter or receiver).
3.3.6 Configuring
For a fiber-optic cable subrack coupling, all of the CS22 modules must
have different names. If names have been assigned twice, then the
appropriate central blocks log-off with multiple configuring (FB
All CS22 modules and the CS12-, CS13- or CS14 modules of a
subrack must be inserted in different subracks.
The sampling time range, 32 ms
256 ms, valid for central
coupling blocks, is also valid for the subrack coupling central blocks
@CS1 and @CS2. It should also be observed that the @CS2 central
blocks may only be configured, as maximum, in twice the sampling
time as the @CS1 central block.
The actual sampling time (in milliseconds) is decisive and not the
cyclic task (T1, T2 etc.)
Example: If the @CS1 central block was configured in 100ms, the
@CS2 central blocks can be configured in a sampling time up to
200ms (180ms, 150ms, 130ms, 50ms etc. are thus permitted).
The data interface is located on the dual port RAM of the CS12-, CS13-
or CS14 module. The available data transfer area is 128 kbytes.
The coupling initialization and monitoring is handled by the @CS1 and
@CS2 central blocks in the RUN status. Thus, the coupling is not
enabled at the start of cyclic operation for all transmit/receive blocks, but
is delayed by several sampling cycles. The coupling is always first
enabled in the master subrack and then in the slave subracks.
After the coupling has been enabled, central blocks @CS1 and @CS2
monitor the coupling. In this case, the number of active coupling partners
is output at the central block outputs.
For the subrack coupling, only the channel name has to be specified at
the AT- and AR inputs of the transmit/receive blocks. Names should not
be configured for address stages 1 and 2. Transmitters and receivers
with the same channel names communicate with one another.
Data interface
Initialization and
Names at the AT-
and AR inputs