In just a few steps to the first project
System- and communication configuring D7-SYS - SIMADYN D
Edition 12.2001
MS5 program memory module
(for PM5)
PC card standard,
2 Mbyte flash memory and
8 Kbyte EEPROM
... saves the operating system,
the user program and the online
PC cable SC 57
Zero-modem cable
... connects the CPU module to
the PG/PC.
Expansion module IT41
(at slot 2)
16 digital inputs and outputs,
8 analog inputs and outputs,
4 incremental encoder inputs.
... expands the CPU module by
technology-specific functions. It is
especially fast, as it is directly
screwed to the CPU module and
the backplane bus is not used.
Interface cable SC 54
Length: 2 m
... connects the inputs/outputs of
the IT41 module with up to 5
SBxx or SU12 interface modules.
Interface module SB10
2 x 8 screw terminals,
LED displays
... allows you to test the user
program during commissioning
and in operation, as the statuses
of the digital outputs are
displayed using LEDs.
Fig. 1-1
Module list for the project example "My First Project”
It is also possible to use other hardware platforms (T400, FM 458) by
appropriately taking this into account in the configuring.
Technical data is provided in the SIMADYN D Hardware Manual,
additional ordering information in Catalog DA99.