Communications configuring
System- and communication configuring D7-SYS - SIMADYN D
Edition 12.2003
The bus is configured using COM PROFIBUS. A database
("master system") is created for each PROFIBUS master. This is
used to download the particular master.
If the master is configured using another tool, when configuring the
SS52 slave, a fictitious master must be configured in
COM PROFIBUS. It should be ensured that the bus parameters
are correctly set: It is recommended to increase the number of
active stations and the token rotation time in both configuring tools.
Loading the database
There are two ways to load the database:
Loading via PROFIBUS DP
Loading via PROFIBUS DP is the version which is the more user
However, certain restrictions must be observed.
A DP-capable PC card is required (currently available cards can be
requested from the product support)
The driver for the PC card is installed together with COM PROFIBUS.
Loading is realized in COM PROFIBUS using the menu command
File > Export > DP master
Loading via RS232
Using the "SS52LOAD" program, a database, generated from the
COM PROFIBUS is loaded as binary file into the SS52 module via the
RS232 interface.
SS52LOAD is integrated in COM PROFIBUS (from Version 3.1).
If the Sync function block SYNPRO is configured, then the
synchronous mode must be disabled (enable input EN=0), so that the
download functions.
The binary file (*.2bf) is generated in COM PROFIBUS using the
menu command
File > Export > Binary file
Loading is realized with SS52LOAD with the menu command
File > Download
The RS232 interface is located together with the PROFIBUS interface
on the 9-pin connector of the SS52 module. The customer must
assemble his own cable to establish the connection to the COM port
of the PC.
RS232 assignment at SS52 (no standard):
2 - TxD
7 - RxD