Changeover from STRUC V4.x to D7-SYS
System- and communication configuring D7-SYS - SIMADYN D
Edition 03.2001
4.5.2 Object-oriented
handling of the configuring tools
The STRUC V4.x configuring tools are always handled depending on the
particular function, i. e. you select a function from the menu (e. g. "Delete
block") and then the object to be processed (e. g. the block to be
The configuring tools of SIMATIC STEP7 are, just like all Windows 95/NT
applications, handled in an object-oriented fashion. You select one or
several objects (e. g. blocks to be deleted), and then the action which you
wish to execute via the menu (e. g. "
Edit > Delete block(s)
"). The
individual tools offer diverse possibilities to select objects. The selection
can either be made via
context-sensitive pop-up menus
4.5.3 Installation and de-installation
This section describes the installation and de-installation procedure, step
by-step. The sequence is oriented to the "STRUC G installation
instructions" to Version 4.x.
in STRUC V.4.x
in D7-SYS
Operating system
Login as "Superuser"
Not necessary, as the installation is possible
without any special access authorization.
Installing a driver for a
parallel/serial interface
Not necessary, the required drivers are installed
with the automatic hardware identification of
Windows 95/NT.
Installing a driver for a CD-
ROM drive
Not necessary, required drivers are automatically
installed with the automatic hardware identification
of Windows 95/NT.
Installing a printer
Is realized using the "Printer assistant" from
Windows 95/NT; for further information please refer
to help under Windows 95/NT under the subject
"Printer, setting-up".
Adapting the parameters of
the operating system
Not necessary. Ensure that your PC/PG has the
minimum hardware requirements, and use the
standard configuration which is set when installing
Windows 95/NT.
Configuring a English
For information, please refer to the help for
Windows 95/NT under the subject "Keyboard,
Installing the STRUC G
Example of object-
oriented handling