Error Messages and Troubleshooting
User Manual 1176.7726.02 ─ 09
Error Messages and Troubleshooting
This chapter describes the error messages of the R&S
SGU. The error messages are
output in the "Info" line on the screen and entered in the error/event queue of the sta-
tus reporting system.
A great variety of different messages such as status messages, error messages, warn-
ings or information are displayed in the header field of the screen. Some error mes-
sages require that the error must be eliminated before correct instrument operation can
be ensured. The "Info" window with a list of current messages and a detailed descrip-
tion of each message can be opened with the "Info" button (see also
Status Information
The status messages are displayed in the Info line of the R&S SGMA-GUI main panel.
The status information gives the user an overview of the main operating states and set-
tings of the instrument. The states are indicated for information only and do not neces-
sitate any action by the user.
Status Information displayed in the Info line
Attenuator fixed mode is active.
The uninterrupted level settings are made in a fixed range without attenuator switching.
The variation range is set automatically when this mode is activated. The range is dis-
played with the parameter "SGMA-GUI > Instrument Name > Level > Attenuator Fixed
Error Messages
Messages indicate errors in the instrument. They are displayed in the info line in differ-
ent colors depending on their importance and display duration. Errors (e.g. no calibra-
tion data) are displayed in red, information (e.g. file not found) and warnings in black.
Warnings indicate less significant errors (e.g. the instrument operates outside specified
See also
on page 56 and
Volatile messages
Volatile messages report automatic settings in the instrument (e.g. switching off of
incompatible types of modulation) or on illegal entries that are not accepted by the
Error Messages