Network and Remote Control Operation
User Manual 1176.7726.02 ─ 09
Chapter 10.4.3, "Enabling Fast Settings"
Installing the Protocol Driver
The protocol driver defines the way to communicate with the instrument via the LAN
fast socket interface.
For Linux operating system, no special driver is needed.
For Windows operating systems, the
driver is required. The protocol
driver is installed automatically together with the installation of the R&S SGMA-GUI
software. It is also provided in the
Low-Level SGU drivers
To install the driver manually on a Windows operating system:
1. Open "Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center".
2. Select the network adapter on which you want to install the driver and click it.
The "Local Area Connection Status" dialog opens.
3. Click "Properties" to open the "Local Area Connection Properties" dialog.
4. Click "Install" to open the "Select Network Feature Type" dialog.
5. Select "Protocol" and select "Add".
6. In the "Select Network Protocol" dialog, select "Have Disk".
Navigate to the directory where the driver is saved and click "OK" to install the
Enabling Fast Settings
► To enable the fast settings for the fast socket, call function
rssgu_UseFastSettings (ViSession instrumentHandle, ViBoolean
fastEnabled, ViBoolean asynchronousEnabled)
included in the instru-
ment driver.
Settings for some parameters like level and frequency accelerate.
To disable the fast settings, call the function
with argu-
LXI Configuration
LAN eXtensions for Instrumentation (LXI) is an instrumentation platform for measuring
instruments and test systems that is based on standard Ethernet technology. LXI is
intended to be the LAN-based successor to GPIB, combining the advantages of Ether-
net with the simplicity and familiarity of GPIB.
LXI Configuration