Understanding the R&S SGMA-GUI Software
User Manual 1176.7726.02 ─ 09
The upper part of the "Info" dialog lists the currently active permanent messages. See
the following table for explanation of the displayed information.
Message level. Messages referring to a logical component of R&S SGMA-GUI, e.g.,
Unicode, are marked in red color, info messages are marked in black color.
The following levels might occur:
Err: Error message
Info: Information message
Sys: System message
Crit: Critical message
For detailed information on the message types, see
Chapter 6.2.2, "Understanding the
Indicates the SCPI error code.
A list of all currently permanent messages in the order of their occurrence, i.e., the most
recent message is displayed first.
The buttons in the lower part of the "Info" dialog provide quick access to some func-
tions for managing these messages. For a detailed description on how to clear error
messages or display a history of all messages, refer to
Clears the highlighted message. This button is available only if the history of the
messages is displayed.
"Delete All"
Clears all messages.
This button is available only if the history of the messages is displayed.
"Del. volatile"
Clears all brief messages. This button is available only if the history of the mes-
sages is displayed.
"Show History/Static"
Calls the list of all messages that have occurred since instrument switch-on. The
most recent messages are displayed at the top of the list. When the button is
pressed again, the list of current messages is displayed.
Refer to
Chapter 6.4.5, "Managing Messages in the Info Dialog"
information on how to manage messages.
Understanding the Messages in the Info Bar
Messages indicate information, warnings, and errors. They are displayed in the info
line in different colors depending on their importance and display duration. The follow-
ing messages are displayed:
There are two options:
Critical errors are errors that prevent the instrument from working, e.g. an HW
failure. Critical errors are displayed in red color.
Info Dialog and Messages in the Info Bar