Network and Remote Control Operation
User Manual 1176.7726.02 ─ 09
When activated, the LXI LEDs flash in the browser dialog. A green LXI sta-
tus symbol indicates that a LAN connection has been established; a red
symbol indicates that no LAN cable is connected.
"Lan Configuration" allows you to configure LAN parameters and to initiate
a ping, see
Chapter 10.5.3, "LAN Configuration"
"Status" displays information about the LXI status of the instrument.
"Utilities" provides access to the LXI event log functionality required by the
LXI standard.
● "Diagnostics"
"SCPI Remote Trace" records messages exchanged via the remote control
interface, see
Chapter, "SCPI Remote Trace"
● "Help"
"Glossary" explains terms related to the LXI standard.
opens the Rohde & Schwarz home page.
LAN Configuration
The "LAN Configuration" web page displays all mandatory LAN parameters and allows
their modification.
It comprises the following navigation entries.
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IP Configuration
The "IP configuration" web page displays all mandatory LAN parameters and allows
their modification.
The "IP Address Mode" selects a configuration mode for the IP address of the instru-
ment. With static configuration, the entered IP address, subnet mask, and default gate-
way are used. With dynamic configuration, DHCP or dynamic link local addressing
(automatic IP) are used to obtain the instrument IP address.
Password protection
Changing the LAN configuration is password-protected and requires the security pass-
word. The default password is "instrument".
Advanced Config
The "Advanced Config" web page provides LAN settings that are not declared manda-
tory by the LXI standard.
LXI Configuration