Understanding the R&S SGMA-GUI Software
User Manual 1176.7726.02 ─ 09
2. Select the "New" button.
dialog opens to register a new instrument.
3. In the "Symbolic Name" field, enter an alias name of your choice, e.g.
4. In the "Instrument Type" field, select the device family to connect to.
5. Select "Remote Control > Hardware Channel" and select the hardware interface.
6. For LAN or Socket interfaces, select "Remote Control > Instrument Name / IP
Address" and enter the IP Address or the hostname of the connected instrument,
e.g. rssgu100a100021.
See also
Chapter 6.4.3, "Finding Out the Default Hostname of the Instrument"
7. For USB or PCIe interfaces, select "Remote Control > Serial Number" and enter
the serial number of the connected instrument , e.g. 100021.
8. Set "Active > On" to activate the instrument. Only active instruments are displayed
in the R&S SGMA-GUI main panel.
9. Click "OK" to confirm the settings and to close the dialog or press the "Apply" but-
ton to confirm the settings.
10. Click the "Cancel" button to discard settings and to close the dialog.
How to Scan for New Instruments
1. In the R&S
SGMA-GUI main panel, select "Setup > Instruments".
dialog opens.
2. Click the "Scan" button to trigger the instrument to scan all remote channel interfa-
ces for connected instruments.
To limit the amount of the searched instruments and to speed up the scan
process, select "Configure Instruments > Scan LAN instruments with hostname
prefix" and enter the prefix the searched hostnames begin with.
The scan function searches only for instruments whose hostnames begin with the
selected prefix.
All instruments which are connected to one of the available interfaces, are
switched on and are not locked are displayed in the"Available Instruments" list.
The R&S
SGMA-GUI obtains all information for connecting to the instrument, so
further configuration is not necessary.
How to Activate Instruments for Control from the R&S SGMA-GUI
1. In the R&S
SGMA-GUI main panel, select "Setup > Instruments".
Working with R&S SGMA-GUI