Upconverter Settings
User Manual 1176.7726.02 ─ 09
Remote command:
Level Range
Displays the level range within which the level setting is expected to work properly. The
range limits depend on several parameters like "Mode", "Setting Characteristic", the I/Q
signal's crest factor etc.
Remote command:
Sets the level limit.
The value specifies the upper limit of the level at the [RF OUT] connector. A message
appears if an attempt is made to set a level above this limit and the level at the RF out-
put is confined to the upper limit. However, the level indication is not influenced.
The value is not affected by an instrument preset function. This parameter is influenced
only by the
and its factory value is equal to the upper limit.
Remote command:
Recalculates the instrument internal settings optimized for the current level. Not
required for automatic modes.
Remote command:
► To access the attenuator settings, select "SGMA-GUI > Instrument Name > Level
This dialog comprises the settings for the power-on behavior of the instrument.
Level and Power-On Settings