Network and Remote Control Operation
User Manual 1176.7726.02 ─ 09
Permitted PCIe cables
PCIe extension cables must fulfill the following requirements:
Single lane connectors
Max. cable length of 5 m.
For example: OSS-PCIe-CBL-x1 cable from One Stop Systems or 74576-000x cable
from Molex.
Connecting an external PC that does not support hot-plugging
1. Switch off the external PC and the instrument.
Chapter 2.1.5, "Switching the Instrument On and Off"
2. Connect the instrument and the controller with the suitable cable.
3. Switch on the instrument.
4. Wait until the instrument has completed the booting (the "POWER" LED on the
instrument's front panel is constantly on).
5. Switch on the external PC.
Connecting an R&S SGS and an R&S SGU
If you use the R&S SGU as an upconverter to the R&S SGS, the R&S SGS acts as a
controller to the R&S SGU. For a description of how to connect the instruments refer to
Chapter 5.2, "Setups for Connecting an R&S SGS and an R&S SGU"
Enabling Fast Settings
► To enable the special PCI express feature fast settings, enable the function
rssgu_UseFastSettings (ViSession instrumentHandle, ViBoolean
fastEnabled, ViBoolean asynchronousEnabled)
included in the instru-
ment driver.
Settings for some parameters like level and frequency accelerate.
To disable the fast settings, call the function
with argu-
Advanced Remote Control Using Fast Socket
Fast settings
The socket interface can be utilized not only to transfer text messages e.g. SCPI com-
mands but also to carry register based remote control messages. The latter mode is
called fast settings mode. The fast socket communication is based on the Ethernet pro-
Advanced Remote Control Using Fast Socket