Network and Remote Control Operation
User Manual 1176.7726.02 ─ 09
for remote control over LAN (when using VXI-11 or HiSLIP protocol) or USB. However,
no VISA installation is necessary for remote control while using socket communication.
For more information about VISA, refer to the user documentation.
Schwarz provides the standardized I/O software library R&S
VISA for com-
munication via TCP/IP (LAN: HiSLIP, VXI-11 and raw socket) or USB (USBTMC) inter-
VISA is available for download at the Rohde
Schwarz website
SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments)
SCPI commands are used for remote control. Commands that are not taken from the
SCPI standard follow the SCPI syntax rules. The instrument supports the SCPI version
1999. The SCPI standard is based on standard IEEE 488.2 and aims at the standardi-
zation of device-specific commands, error handling and the status registers. The tuto-
rial "Automatic Measurement Control - A tutorial on SCPI and IEEE 488.2" from John
M. Pieper (R&S order number 0002.3536.00) offers detailed information on concepts
and definitions of SCPI.
Remote Control Programs and Libraries
provides a schematic illustration of the remote control capabilities of
the instrument.
Figure 10-1: Remote control interfaces, protocols and libraries
The following examples give an overview of the dependencies between the available
libraries, the possible interfaces and protocols, and whether an instrument driver is pro-
vided. The involved parts are
Remote control program using VISA
Remote Control Interfaces and Protocols