Network and Remote Control Operation
User Manual 1176.7726.02 ─ 09
Instrument address
To operate the instrument via remote control, it must be addressed using the defined
interface address.
Chapter 10.1.2, "LAN Interface"
Chapter 10.1.3, "USB Interface"
Chapter 10.1.4, "PCI Express Interface"
The VISA resource strings are indicated in the "SGMA-GUI main panel > Instrument
name > Setup > Remote Channels" dialog.
How to Find the VISA Resource String
To find the VISA resource strings of your instrument:
► Select "SGMA-GUI main panel > Instrument name > Setup > Remote Channels".
The "Remote Channel Settings" dialog shows all specified resource strings of the
supported remote control interfaces.
Example: Remote Control over LAN Using Socket Communication
This section provides an example on how to establish a remote control connection over
telnet protocol and a simple sockets-based program example that can be further devel-
oped (see also
Chapter B, "Telnet program examples"
Basic knowledge of programming and operation of the controller are assumed. A
description of the interface commands can be obtained from the relevant manuals.
Refer to the getting started manual for an example on how to set up remote control
connection over LAN using VXI-11 protocol.
Starting a Remote Control Session