Remote Control Commands
User Manual 1176.7726.02 ─ 09
// Unlock the instrument
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:UNL 12345
Advanced Task for Optimizing Performance
In the following example we assume that a remote PC is connected to the instrument,
the remote PC and the instrument are switched on and a connection between them is
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// Reset the instrument first
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// :SYSTem:PRESet
// :RESTart
// :SYSTem:FPReset
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// Lock the instrument to the controller
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:LOCK? 12345
// Lock the instrument to avoid interference by other controllers
// Use an arbitrary number
// Response: 1
// Request granted, i.e. the instrument is locked
// Abort program if request is refused
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// Query the level that can be set without adjustments of the attenuator
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// Optimizing the quality characteristics of the RF signal
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// optimize the signal to low noise ratio
:SOURce:POWer:SCHaracteristic AUTO
// ensure highest dynamic range
:SOURce:POWer:LEVel:IMMediate:AMPLitude -30dBm
:SOURce:POWer:LIMit:AMPLitude 30dBm
Programming Examples