One-Net/DASDEC User Manual
v3.0 | r1016
careful use of this feature, and with multiple clients, one EAS device can serve many
different regions at the same time.
All EAS codes trigger
If enabled, all EAS codes that pass through the Alert Nodes will trigger the EAS NET
client interface. In the previous screen shot this option is disabled. Set the checkbox
to enable/disable EAS code filtered trigger control. If disabled, then the alert EAS code
group is filtered for a specific match as a way to control whether or not EAS NET is
triggered. If All EAS is disabled, select the EAS Codes Group from the provided pull-
down menu. If the EAS codes of an active forwarded/originated alert match any of
those contained in the selected EAS Code Group, the alert will be sent using the EAS
NET client. With careful use of this feature, and with multiple clients, one EAS device
can serve many different cable regions at the same time.
When you finish making changes, click
Accept Changes
button to save the
DVS168/EARS devices
DVS168/EARS can be selected as an option on the EAS NET Event Transfer Protocol
selector. See the screen shot below. Like the other EAS NET protocols, the EAS NET
remote host IP address and port must be entered. This would be the address and port
of the DVS168/EARS server. Standard DVS168 uses FTP to send data files, so an EAS NET
FTP user and password value must also be entered for a standard client configuration.
However, there is an option to disable the FTP send. This is for servers that do not
support handling digital file data but can be alerted by the DVS168 event protocol. If
this option is checked the FTP user and password values are not displayed or needed
since the audio and video files will not be sent.
Configure EAS NET DVS168/EARS Client Section
Since EAS NET is used
in conjunction with
third-party management
software (on the remote
host), configuration details
will depend upon the
exact third-party solution.
Often instructions will
be provided by this
party. Configure the EAS
NET client interface as