Model: MTS200 (1U)
Doc. Ref. no. : m08/om/201
Issue no. : 03
User’s Manual
Page 74 of 195
Page 74 of 195
User can also delete all existing keys entry from
ntp.keys file using option “2” in NTP Symmetric Keys
menu. This will delete all keys but make a default entry of key id number with 2 and key string as
It is necessary to restart NTP service using option “7” in NTP main menu or using ntp restart options
via front keypad or via webserver in order for new key changes to take effect. Refer section 11.3 for
complete understanding of NTP operation.
Default key is provided from factory shipment with key ID number as “1” and key string as “masibus”.
However, user can change the key string as per his requirement.
Option “5” and “6” in NTP main menu refers to add any key entry already present in ntp.keys file as
trusted key in ntp.conf or to delete any key from ntp.conf as trusted key. NTP process will provide NTP
authentication for keys only which are configured as trusted key provided in ntp.conf file.
Refer below for using option “5” to add a trusted key.
Remember, that the value to be entered as trusted key should be one of the keys configured as
symmetric key number in ntp.keys file. User can configure only maximum 10 trusted key entries in
ntp.conf file in MTS200. If user wants to view existing trustkey keys entry in ntp.conf, user can use option
“1” in NTP main menu to view existing ntp.conf file.
It is necessary to restart NTP service using option “7” in NTP main menu or using ntp restart options
via front keypad or via webserver in order for new key changes to take effect. Refer section 11.3 for
complete understanding of NTP operation.
NTP Restart and status output:
User can restart NTP process at any time during MTS200
normal operation by using option “7” in NTP
main menu. User should always restart NTP process using this option whenever there is any change in
ntp configuration or any change in ntp trusted key entries or if any Symmetric key ID is replaced in
file using “Edit NTP Symmetric Keys” option in NTP main menu. Unless NTP process is not
restarted using this option, the changes done in ntp all configurations will not be in effective in NTP
Server output.
User can also check NTP server ntp process statu
s using option “8” in NTP main menu. Below figure
shows the example output of NTP status output.
= list of all ntp and time servers available as per defined in /etc/ntp.conf file.
= reference name as per individual time servers
= current stratum value of the ntp server
= seconds since last ntp request
= current applicable ntp query poll interval (in seconds) with respective ntp server as per defined
in /etc/ntp.conf file.